Roseville CA MapStreets of Roseville CAPhotos from Roseville CA

Streets of Roseville, Placer County, California - starting with "G" (page 1)

Roseville CA geographical data
City Name: Roseville
Population: 112,647
County: Placer County
State: California
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 38.75° N
Longitude: -121.29°W
Elevation: 138 ft / 42 m

Roseville, Placer County, California, United States
Explore the streets starting with "G" (page 1) on the map of Roseville

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Streets of Roseville CA (2077):

Streets list:

Gabrielli Dr, Roseville
Gailes Ct, Roseville
Gaines Dr, Roseville
Gainsborough Ct, Roseville
Galena Ct, Roseville
Galilee Rd, Roseville
Galston Ct, Roseville
Galway Ct, Roseville
Garcia Ave, Roseville
Garden Breeze Ct, Roseville
Garden Park Ct, Roseville
Garden Park Dr, Roseville
Gardenia Way, Roseville
Garfield Way, Roseville
Gateforth Ct, Roseville
Gateforth Dr, Roseville
Genoa Ct, Roseville
George Ct, Roseville
George Ln, Roseville
Gerry Way, Roseville
Gettysburg Ct, Roseville
Ghislaine Ct, Roseville
Giancoma Dr, Roseville
Gianni Ct, Roseville
Gibson Dr, Roseville
Gilleland Dr, Roseville
Gingerhill Ct, Roseville
Giuseppe Ct, Roseville
Gladstone Ct, Roseville
Glaser Ln, Roseville
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Roseville in different languages

Roseville (English, Italian, German)
Розвелл (Ukrainian, Russian)
Розвилл (Russian)
Роузвил (Serbian, Bulgarian)
رزویل، کالیفرنیا (Persian)
روزفيل (Arabic)
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羅斯維爾 (Chinese)
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