Portage MI MapStreets of Portage MIPhotos from Portage MI

Streets of Portage, Kalamazoo County, Michigan - starting with "F" (page 1)

Portage MI geographical data
City Name: Portage
Population: 46,403
County: Kalamazoo County
State: Michigan
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 42.2° N
Longitude: -85.58°W
Elevation: 0 ft / 0 m

Portage, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, United States
Explore the streets starting with "F" (page 1) on the map of Portage

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Streets of Portage MI (849):

Streets list:

Fairlane Ave, Portage
Falcon Ct, Portage
Fall Ave, Portage
Fallow Ave, Portage
Farnham Ave, Portage
Fawn Cove Ln, Portage
Fescue St, Portage
Fieldstone Dr, Portage
Fieldstone St, Portage
Fir Tree Ln, Portage
Fireside Ave, Portage
Flamingo Ave, Portage
Fleetwood Dr, Portage
Florinda Ave, Portage
Forest Dr, Portage
Fox Hollow Ct, Portage
Fox Valley Dr, Portage
Foxfire Trail, Portage
Foxtrot Ct, Portage
Frederick Dr, Portage
French Bay Dr, Portage
Friendly Ave, Portage
Frontier Ave, Portage
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Some places to see and things to do, close to the center of Portage, Michigan:

Points of interest located around the center of Portage, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Airport: Kalamazoo Airport (3.7 miles)

Tags: Portage streets starting with "F" (page 1), Portage satellite view, Portage street view.

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Portage in different languages

Портиџ (Serbian)
Портэйдж (Kazakh)
بورتاغ (Arabic)
پورتیج، میشیگان (Persian)
پورٹیج، مشی گن (Urdu)