East Setauket NY MapStreets of East Setauket NYPhotos from East Setauket NY

Streets of East Setauket, Suffolk County, New York - starting with "S" (page 1)

East Setauket NY geographical data
City Name: East Setauket
Population: 17,006
County: Suffolk County
State: New York
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 40.94° N
Longitude: -73.11°W
Elevation: 75 ft / 23 m

East Setauket, Suffolk County, New York, United States
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Streets of East Setauket NY (304):

Streets list:

S Jersey Ave, East Setauket
Sage Brush Ct, East Setauket
Satinwood Ln, East Setauket
Satterly Rd, East Setauket
Sawyer Ct, East Setauket
Scholar Pl, East Setauket
Schoolhouse Rd, East Setauket
Schooner Cove, East Setauket
Scotts Cove Ln, East Setauket
Scotts Cove Rd, East Setauket
Setalcott Pl, East Setauket
Setalcott Pl N, East Setauket
Setalcott Pl S, East Setauket
Settlers Way, East Setauket
Shaker Hollow Rd, East Setauket
Sharon Ave, East Setauket
Shen Ct, East Setauket
Sherry Dr, East Setauket
Shortwood Ln, East Setauket
Silver Beech Ct, East Setauket
Singingwood Ln, East Setauket
Somerset Ct, East Setauket
Somerset Ln, East Setauket
Split Rail Ln, East Setauket
Spyglass Ln, East Setauket
St George Glen Dr, East Setauket
Stadium Blvd, East Setauket
Stalker Ln, East Setauket
Steep Hill Rd, East Setauket
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