Daleville VA MapStreets of Daleville VAPhotos from Daleville VA

Streets of Daleville, Botetourt County, Virginia - starting with "S" (page 1)

Daleville VA geographical data
City Name: Daleville
Population: 1,630
County: Botetourt County
State: Virginia
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 37.41° N
Longitude: -79.91°W
Elevation: 1299 ft / 396 m

Daleville, Botetourt County, Virginia, United States
Explore the streets starting with "S" (page 1) on the map of Daleville

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Search street by name:

Streets of Daleville VA (132):

Streets list:

Savannah Court, Daleville
Silk Reed Circle, Daleville
State Route 1018, Daleville
State Route 1019, Daleville
State Route 1020, Daleville
State Route 1021, Daleville
State Route 1022, Daleville
State Route 1023, Daleville
State Route 1024, Daleville
State Route 1025, Daleville
State Route 1026, Daleville
State Route 1027, Daleville
State Route 1030, Daleville
State Route 1031, Daleville
State Route 1032, Daleville
State Route 1033, Daleville
State Route 1034, Daleville
State Route 1035, Daleville
State Route 1036, Daleville
State Route 1037, Daleville
State Route 1038, Daleville
State Route 1040, Daleville
State Route 1041, Daleville
State Route 1042, Daleville
State Route 1043, Daleville
State Route 1045, Daleville
State Route 1046, Daleville
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Tags: Daleville streets starting with "S" (page 1), Daleville satellite view, Daleville street view.

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Daleville in different languages

Daleville (English)