Nouakchott MapPhotos from Nouakchott

Nouakchott - road map and street view

Nouakchott geographical data
City Name: Nouakchott
Population: 661,400
Region: Nouakchott
Country: Mauritania
Capital: Nouakchott
Currency: Ouguiya (MRO)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 18.1° N
Longitude: -15.95°W
Elevation: 7 m
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Nouakchott, Mauritania road map & street view
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Click on the buttons below to display the road map of Nouakchott, Mauritania
Nouakchott road map is the best place to start exploring Nouakchott: accommodation, restaurants, tours, attractions, activities, jobs and more.
Tags: Nouakchott road map, Nouakchott street view.

Nouakchott weather live
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Nouakchott in different languages

Nävakjut (Volapük)
Nawakshot (Somali)
Nawakszut (Polish)
Nouakchott (German, Hungarian, English, Indonesian, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Italian, French, Slovak, Norwegian, Catalan, Swedish, Welsh, Ido, Finnish, Swahili (macrolanguage), Estonian)
Nuakchot (Spanish)
Nuakshot (Uzbek)
Núaksjott (Language Name, Icelandic)
Nuakşot (Azerbaijani, Turkish)
Nuakšota (Latvian)
Nuakšotas (Lithuanian)
Nuakŝoto (Esperanto)
Nuakšott (Czech)
Nuakxot (Basque)
Νουακσότ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Νουαξότ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Нуакшот (Macedonian, Kirghiz, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian, Tajik, Chechen, Serbian)
Նուակշոտ (Armenian)
נואקשוט (Yiddish, Hebrew)
نواكشوط (Arabic)
نواکشوت (Persian)
نواکشوط (Urdu)
नवाकसुत (Marathi)
নুওয়াকশুত (Bengali)
ਨੁਆਕਚੋਤ (Panjabi)
நுவாக்சூத் (Tamil)
นูแอกชอต (Thai)
ནའུ་ཀ་ཅོ་ཊི། (Tibetan)
ნუაქშოტი (Georgian)
ኑዋክሾት (Amharic)
ヌアクショット (Japanese)
努瓦克肖特 (Chinese)
누악쇼트 (Korean)