Krems an der Donau MapStreets of Krems an der DonauPhotos from Krems an der Donau

Krems an der Donau, Lower Austria - satellite view and street view

Krems an der Donau geographical data
City Name: Krems an der Donau
Population: 23,932
Region: Lower Austria
Country: Austria
Capital: Vienna
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 48.41° N
Longitude: 15.61° EW
Elevation: 252 m

Krems an der Donau, Lower Austria satellite view and street view
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Click on the buttons below to display the satellite view of Krems an der Donau, Austria
Krems an der Donau (Lower Austria) satellite view - take a tour of Krems an der Donau from your computer and plan your visit to Krems an der Donau: accommodation, restaurants, tours, attractions, activities, jobs and more.
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Krems an der Donau weather live
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Krems an der Donau in different languages

Krems (Indonesian, Breton, English, Romanian)
Krems an der Donau (Polish, German, Dutch)
Кремс-на-Дунае (Russian)
קרמס (Hebrew)